Saturday, April 25, 2015

My Top 5 Personal Favorite Shōnen Manga Series.

Hello everyone. Today I thought that I'd make a post about shounen manga. While it is not my preferred genre of manga, (as I usually read a lot more seinen) I do still keep up with some shounens. I also can't deny that my first manga reading experiences when I was younger predominantly took the form of shounens. Anyways without further or do, here are my top 5 personal favorite shounen manga series. First some honorable mentions!
*Keep in mind that this list contains only mangas that I've actually read*

Honorable Mentions:

Jojo's Bizzare Adventure (series)
The Jojo series is simply hype! Manliness, cool powers, and over the top poses are commonplace here, and it's awesome! It's funny too cause I read Stardust Crusaders (arc 3) by chance when I was 12 years old at my local library that happened to have all the volumes. I ended up loving it and knew nothing about its cultural impact or how popular it was Japan. Hell, I didn't even know at the time that Stardust Crusaders was only part 3 in an epic storyline. It wasn't until my sophomore year of high school (about 7 years ago) that I was finally able to finally read Arcs 1 and 2 online. Jojo's has a special place in my heart and I couldn't help but at least mention it on this list. I know a lot people would probably include it on their top 5 shounen lists. 

Air Gear
Simply put, Air Gear was fun as all hell! I loved the idea of crazy fast, motorized roller blades! Combine that with a cast over the top, passionate, funny, and determined characters and you got a recipe for a fun time. How many mangas have a cameo by President Barack Obama?  Air Gear was a series that I simply loved turning every page. I bought into its cooky premise and found myself yearning for a pair of ATs myself. KOGARASAMARU! 

Shaman King
Shaman King is a series that I personally collected (physical copies) when I was younger. I loved the cast of characters and loved all the crazy battles! The idea of partnering with ghosts in the forefront of the classical tournament style genre made for a fun manga. I also really appreciated the utilization of Native American culture in the series (even though it was fictionalized and exaggerated a bit). I've been saying for years that Native Americans do not get enough representation in popular media, so this was the manga that began my thirst for such. Lastly, one thing that's really cool about Shaman King is its blending of many cultures amongst its cast of characters and references. I really appreciated the variety of ethnic backgrounds amongst the characters and felt it lent itself to just how successful this manga really was.

Hunter X Hunter
Here's an entry that I know a lot of people out there may crucify me for. I know a lot of people uphold that this series is one of, if not, the greatest shounen manga of all time! While I do acknowledge that Togashi's Hunter x Hunter is a phenomenal manga, it personally didn't resonate with me as much as the entries on my personal top 5. That being said, Hunter x Hunter's story truly is a testament to just how fantastic shounen manga can be. A friend of mine in high school tipped me onto this series and allowed me to borrow the first couple of volumes. I knew I was hooked by volume 3, as I continued to read it in its entirety online. It's shame though that Togashi takes a bunch of strange, lengthy hiatuses and delays when putting out chapters in recent years (let alone the strange situations with it's current "ending"). 

Full Metal Alchemist
Because Full Metal Alchemist! It's awesome!

Rurouni Kenshin
Because samurai are awesome! And this is hands down one of the best samurai stories in all of manga. 

Nanatsu no Taizai 
My last honorable mention is a manga I recently started reading after enjoying's its anime adaptation last season. It is within my humble opinions, that Nanatsu no Taizai (or the Seven Deadly Sins) is Fairy Tail done right. Mangaka Nakaba Suzuki's utilization of Arthurian lore and classical fantasy makes for a fantastic amalgamation of themes and settings that propels this story to be as great as it is. The sins themselves are all interesting characters whose battle scenes I find as lot more interesting than the likes of Fairy Tail

*And now on to the actual Top 5*

5) Gintama
When I first began Gintama when I was 15, I would describe it to people as "The Family Guy of manga." The series was so funny, didn't seem to take itself seriously, and had so many references to other anime and manga that I simply couldn't put it down. I loved the series initially on the grounds that I believed it to be a pure comedy series with hints at an overarching plot that was never actually meant to come to fruition. Boy was I wrong! While not always present, Gintama does in fact have an overarching plot, it just takes a little while to get there. But the series does know how to stray away from it's comedy template and actually get serious. This healthy dichotomy partnered with a likable art style propels Gintama to be a shounen that I will not easily forget. Hell the anime is still going  on today after so many episodes if that's a testament to its popularity. 

4) Assassination Classroom 
This a manga that I honestly didn't think I would love as much as I do. It's premise was certainly attention grabbing: "a classroom is forced to try and kill their octopus monster teacher that can move at Mach 5 speed in order to save the world from being destroyed." When I first read the manga I honestly believed that there was no way in hell the story's direction cause possibly make this goofy concept work. Boy was I REALLY mistaken. Assassination Classroom spouts one of the most heartwarming and engaging narratives in all of the shounen genre. Perhaps I  am biased, as I'm currently undergoing certification to soon teach my own high school class, but I love the messages and themes of this student/teacher story. It's unique in the set of circumstances that bind the students to Koro sensei as well as how the pedagogy in this story is displayed. Yet, for what its worth, Koro sensei is a character I personally look up to as a role model. He is the kind of teacher whom truly cares about his students, weaves a curriculum catered to his students' diverse interests, and exemplifies all facets of good pedagogy that I myself can only hope to accomplish in my future career as a teacher. The mystery behind Koro sensei's past and the brilliant character development that each student undergoes has scaffolded my attention in ways I honestly didn't think this manga could accomplish. Assassination Classroom is a fantastic entry in the shounen genre and I hope that its popularity continues to remain strong. 

3) Boku no Hero Academia
Only currently 40 chapters in, and I can safely say that this will be the next big shounen hit. Overshadowed by the likes of Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece, Boku no Hero Academia is a manga that is slowly rising to immense popularity and critical acclaim. It has hands down become one of my personal favorite shounens of all time and it has only just begun (and it continues to get better and better by the chapter). I was skeptical at first by its premise/setting, (an entire world of people with super powers!) but have slowly come to adore the amount of love and attention the mangaka is giving this series. Do yourself a favor and read this brilliant manga as I know for a fact that it's going to be the next big Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, or Bleach. Lovable characters, great characterization, and beautiful art awaits you. 

2) Eyeshield 21
I'll admit, beyond hockey, I've never really been big into sports. That being said, for some reason I love sports manga and anime. Perhaps it's just how crazy and over the top these writers are able to make the sport seem, (compared to real life) but I find sports anime/manga to be vastly entertaining. Yet, above all of the sports manga and anime I've come to enjoy in my far the number one of all them would have to be Eyeshield 21. Not only did it make me like football, but I have not been more entertained with a lot of other sport stories than I have with this one. Eyeshield 21 is so over the top it made me love a sport I initially found to be boring. The determination and passionof a young Japanese team banding together to reach their dreams was lovable. The manga spouts some fantastic artwork and excellent plot. Eyeshield 21 will always have a special place in my heart. 

1.) One Piece
Yup! It hat to be! Eiichiro Oda's One Piece is the best shounen manga of all time in my honest opinion. I love this series! Everything about it spouts fantastic creativity and genius that Oda has more than proven over the years. Oda has weaved a narrative with a ridiculous amount of characters that somehow all feel unique, memorable, and important to the plot. Even seemingly minor and insignificant characters will come back and prove just how important they are to the manga's overarching plot. Oda's a genius that has created my personal favorite pirate story I've ever been privileged to read and experience. Oda's world-building is legendary and his cast of characters have definitely stood the test of time. One Piece still remains to this day as the number one selling manga of all time in Japan. I more than look forward to continue to read this masterpiece for the next 10 years or so. Bravo Oda. Do yourself a favor and read this fantastic manga, its length is definitely worth getting through. 

And with that I'm out, thank so much for reading and have a wonderful day people! 
-Nights Off

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