Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Dorohedoro Chapter 135 Review

Hello everyone. Hope all of you have been well! Today I've come to bring you a review of Chapter 135 of Q Hayashida's Dorohedoro. This time we are hit with a chapter that is equal parts comedy-centric and informational (catering to more world building).

Chapter 135 gives us more insight into what the devils have been up to at the central department store in Hole. They really are just lounging around, having a party, eating a bunch of delicious food, and waiting to witness "something important." As such, Chidaruma realized that his perfect feast is incomplete without gyoza. Luckily, Asu (whom used to always cook gyoza for the other devils) is still conveniently nearby hanging on one of the hooks made by Devil Kai. Chidaruma heals Asu back to health and restores his vision just to have him cook some gyoza for the other the devils. While Asu is now safe from harm, the chapter suddenly takes a turn in the form of a monologue given by Chidaruma; explaining a bit of the origins of Q Hayashida's world. 

Chidaruma explains how he happened to discover a new land that was inhabited by human beings when he ventured out of Hell. Chidaruma goes on to detail that he did not create human beings as they are simply inferior beings to the magic users he created. Still, the humans fascinated him that he dragged many of them to Hell for the purpose of experimenting on them, raising them, singing with them, and even eating them. As years passed and he grew bored of his new "pets," Chidaruma ventured once again into the human realm only to discover a giant mountain of corpses comprised of countless humans. The magic users had found a way into the human realm and had slaughtered hundreds of them. Years passed and the mountain of corpses eventually turned into a a big black hole that wreaked of a dark aura of death. Chidaruma decided to name this land "Hole," directly implying that this was the basis and origin for the Hole we know today. However Chidaruma's final word's leave us with a yet another mystery that we are just going to have to wait to see solved. "As centuries went by, it developed a consciousness and became a unique life form. It only has one goal..." 

Is Chidaeruma referring to the world of Hole itself? Or perhaps he is referring to the dark sludge lake that gave birth to Kai within Ai Coleman that resided in Hole. Whatever he is directly referring to, it seems we are inching ever closer to finding out the real truth behind Hole and the Kai personality within Ai/Kaiman. One last thing worth mentioning that occurred in this chapter is that Fujita, Turkey, and the others whom scarified body parts to revive En are beginning to go blind and grow weak. En better hurry to save his fellow family members before it's too late! Noi's long awaited wake from sleep was also heavily foreshadowed during this chapter when a beer mug fell onto her head from a great height. 

While this chapter seemed minimalistic, it certainly served as a means to answer a few questions I'm sure long terms readers have held since the very beginnings of the manga. Can't wait for next month's chapter! 

-Nights Off

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