Thursday, August 6, 2015

Dorohedoro: Chapter 136 Review

Hello everyone! With a new chapter of Dorohedoro out and translated, it's time for another chapter 
review. What does Q Hayashida have in store for us in this month's chapter?

This week's chapter sees the reveal of Dokuga's returned memories. Recognizing the shitty situation he is in, Dokuga attempts to steal Kikurage from En and Ebisu (in order to resurrect his dead comrades) and delay Shin's return. Unfortunately, he doesn't do it quite fast enough. Upon learning that Dokuga is a member of the Crosseyes gang, En lashes out in rage at Dokuga. While Dokuga is acrobatic and agile, it still isn't enough to avoid En's deadly mushroom magic. While characters in Dorohedoro tend to die and come back, Dokuga seems to have been killed off in this chapter (even for Dorohedoro standards). However, after his "death," he is quickly picked up by one of Devil Kai's cables. I would postulate that perhaps Dokuga will return as a zombie or may be later resurrected by Kikurage. Nevertheless, it is a sad time to be a Dokuga fan. It's also worth mentioning that Shin has essentially returned in this chapter as well. While currently half de-cursed, (as a big portion of his body is still made of mushrooms) Shin looks like he's about to make a grand comeback (this makes me very happy)!

The last matter of importance in this week's chapter lies in it's final page (seen above). Just as her senpai is making his grand return, Noi has finally awaken and will definitely play a vital role in healing all of our currently wounded characters.

The thing that greatly concerns me as that the current volume we are in (which Q Hayashida has labeled as the final volume of the series) only has two chapters left. There is no way in holy hell that the story can possibly have a satisfying conclusion and be thoroughly wrapped up in 2 more chapters. Here's to praying that we get an announcement soon for a volume 21. I know she's tried to end it a few times now, but I would rather see a satisfying and drawn out ending to my favorite manga of all time than a rushed one. I trust that Hayashida will do justice for her popular brain child. Cross your fingers everyone! Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day! 

-Nights Off

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