Thursday, March 26, 2015

I'm Back! Grand New Vision

Hey everyone... I know it's been a while since my last set of posts when I was looking at the works of director Yuasa Masaaki. Well to be honest, I ended up falling into a manga phase and reading a bunch of manga in these past few months. Truth be told, I'm actually a 22 year old senior in college who is currently teaching an 8th grade English class. What I'm getting at here is that I've been very busy and reading a lot of manga, hence the lack of posts. However, I do intend to go back and finish off my posts on Masaaki's work at a later date. That being said, I'd like to quickly clarify what I intend for this blog to be and what my readers can come to expect.

-While I've only written on anime so far, I'd like to start writing large posts analyzing and reviewing manga as well. I want to write on some of the stories I've come to adore over the years and recently. So expect that in the near future!

-I'd like to try and write more giant analytical/discussion pieces on certain anime/manga straying away a bit from a review format.

-Lastly, I still intend to try my best to write posts on shows/manga that may not be well known or what I deem to be "hidden gems."

Anyways just wanted to let you guys know that I'm alive and will be putting up new stuff very soon. My next post is actually going to be on Tokyo Ghoul. Didn't think I'd actually write about it but I really want to get some thoughts I have on Root A off my chest. Thank you for reading as usual and have a wonderful day.

-Nights Off

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